About "MetaMoreFire"
“Metamorefire” is a short film that explores themes of time, presence, and transformation using the powerful art of dancing with fire. It invites viewers to embrace mindfulness, find personal flow, and live authentically.
What "Metamorefire" is About
“Metamorefire” follows the journey of a robot breaking free from its mechanical existence. The film explores the limitations of time and how to unwind from its struggles through meeting the hearts flame.
Inspiration Behind "Metamorefire"
The inspiration for “MetaMoreFire” came from the desire to be centered and free. Personal experience and philosophical insights have shaped the story around this goal.
Firedance has been experienced as the biggest source of healing for the producer Christiane Meyer and is therefore the elemental transformational power in this movie. The dance represents the burning away of old patterns and the emergence of a new, more authentic self.
(See blog article “How firedance has saved my life”)
We believe, that every human has the ability to find flow and can therefore gain control over their lives to heal, and grow. “MetaMoreFire” wants to encourage individuals to embrace their passions and stay present for a deeper sense of fulfillment.
The Role of Time in the Film
In “MetaMoreFire,” time is portrayed not as a linear construct, but as a fluid experience that must be lived in the now.
Our modern society is putting big value on effectiveness, productivity and routine, which leads to stress, burnouts and depressen. We believe, that human beings also need to live spontaneity and mindfulness for a balanced life.
(See blog article “Kronos vs Chairos”)
By introducing the struggles of time and how to deal with them, “MetaMoreFire” emphasizes mindfulness and joy of living. By being fully present, the artists can engage more deeply with their work and express their genuine selves.
“Metamorefire” is a compelling exploration of time, presence, and the transformative power of art. It invites viewers to break free from the constraints of time, find their personal flow, and embrace the art of living in the now.