Support us
If you like this project, you can easily support us by sharing our trailer and following our social media to gain visibility. Beyond this, we are looking for sponsors that facilitate the finalization of the movie, and to create a successful event series.
You can help us to finish the movie, and organize a marvelous tour around europe
Where we are at:
The post-production is still in process. We are working on a few animations, finalizing the sound and slowly rocking towards the final exports. After this, we will show the movie in an event series.
Your support is greatly appreciated. With your donation, you directly finance our last steps and the artists involved. With a better budget, we can have the ability to work more efficient and professional.
You can either use the link below to transfer via PayPal or directly send your donation via bank transfer to the account of our film:
NAME: Christiane Meyer
IBAN: DE57 5001 0517 5507 4843 75
IBAN: DE57 5001 0517 5507 4843 75